Pemota Consultancy is a specialist in consultancy, training and advice in the field of transnational Employee Relations. The company started in 2022 when the Dutch Petra Molenaar decided to consolidate her 24 years of EWC experience into her own specialist EWC consultancy firm.
Pemota Consultancy wants to help companies and their employees to use EWC’s as an effective platform to exchange ideas and to co-determine a successful course for the company.
Petra Molenaar is a strong believer of the potential of well-managed and well-run European Works Councils.

“Although EWCs sometimes are viewed as a burden and a somewhat time-consuming institution, I strongly believe that a well-organized and well-run EWC can strongly contribute to the success of transnational working companies.”
“We promote employee engagement and sharing because companies make better decisions if employees are involved in the decision-making process.”
Do you want to find out what Pemota Consultancy can do for you and your EWC?
Drop us an e-mail and we’ll get back to you!