
Some of the companies Pemota is working for, or has recently worked for.
For more information and references, please contact us.

Len Valentine, member of FedEx (TNT) European Works Council, about Petra Molenaar

Andy Murray, Chairman of the Howmet European Works Council explains why Howmet works with Pemota: ‘Petra Molenaar brings over 20 years of international EWC experience to the table.’

Marcel Akkerman, Chairman of the PPG European Works Council on why PPG works with Pemota: ‘For us her input, knowledge, and experience are very important.’

Chris O’Callaghan, President of the Chubb European Works CounciI: ‘I have 100% confidence in Petra’s professional attitude and her overall ability to bring matters to the attention of the select committee and all EWC members. All along with brining these to a satisfactory conclusion.’