Training a European Works Council; never a dull moment
There is a reason that I have been working with European Works Councils for over 26 years now. Well, actually, there are more reasons than one.
For starters: European Works Councils are challenging. In a good way, that is.
The stakes are high and the discussions are often quite complex and laced with a range of sensitivities. Political awareness and sensitivity are crucial requirements.
Then there is the variety of activities we’re involved in, from negotiating and consultancy to coaching and training.
And on top of that, (what I like best) is that it’s a truly international work environment, where I get to meet the most wonderful people.
Just last week, my colleague Goof van Riet and myself, had the pleasure of training the European Works Council at my long-time customer, PPG Industries. PPG has a big EWC with 26 members, 12 languages, and 16 interpreters!
Creating activating exercises for such a diverse group is truly a challenge, for trainers as well as for interpreters. But we pulled it off. We trained the group in EWC LEGAL framework, goals & mission, negotiation skills, and communication strategies.

After that, to top it off, we had two days of meetings with the PPG European Leadership Team. The plan really came together!
Thank you, PPG, for your ongoing trust in Pemota, and thank you PPG EWC members, for all the energy and enthusiasm you brought to the table.
Just gotta love this job 😉