A successful Year One!

A successful Year One!

Pemota Consultancy just turned 1, and what a year it was! On a personal level: starting my own company was a big step (after 24 years of service at one of the most respected organisations in the field of labour relations). Of course, there was a truckload of experience and knowledge to fall back on, but…

Pemota driving positive change

Pemota driving positive change

Over the last couple of weeks, I have supported and trained many different European Works Councils across different businesses, both in their internal meetings as well as in meetings with management. I have had numerous discussions about issues that really affect employee morale. Amongst others, we discussed workloads and work stress, the impact of inflation…

What a month!

What a month!

Today, only one month ago, Pemota Consultancy took off!I left SBI Formaat after 24 years, to see if I could use my knowledge, experience and network, to build and grow my own consultancy firm, specialized in European Works Councils!I can assure you – this was a big step for me! And what an exciting month it was….