What a month!
Today, only one month ago, Pemota Consultancy took off!
I left SBI Formaat after 24 years, to see if I could use my knowledge, experience and network, to build and grow my own consultancy firm, specialized in European Works Councils!
I can assure you – this was a big step for me!
And what an exciting month it was. On the one hand, continuing my normal EWC consultancy – meeting and advising new customers as well as some existing relations – while on the other hand having to deal with marketing and acquisition, communication, and loads of administrative tasks.
As a ‘new supplier,’ it is one thing to get a new customer to trust you and wanting to hire you, but that is nothing compared to the task of dealing with all the (digital) paperwork you have to fill out in order to be accepted ‘by the system’. 😉
Making sure all terms and conditions of both Pemota and the customer are in line, so that once the real work starts, the paperwork no longer is an issue.
A time-consuming job, somewhat bewildering at times, but always educational … After all, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, or at least better prepared.
So, it’s not really ‘business as usual’ (and I guess that was the whole point of starting my own consultancy), but the response to my ‘declaration of independence’ was truly very warm and welcoming. Last month, I have already performed numerous trainings and meetings, with many more to come.
So, thank you all for your trust in me and your enthusiastic responses. It’s a busy time, right now, but very exciting. And I do hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together, if not in the short term, then later on.
One month down, many more to come!