Romek Jagodziński joins Pemota EWC Network

Romek Jagodziński, experienced researcher in the field of industrial relations, workers’ representation, and European Works Councils, has now teamed up with Pemota Consultancy.  In addition to his in-depth knowledge of EWCs, Romek is skilled in research communication (as an author of many research publications), project management, and training. He received his professional education from Polish and German universities, as well as from The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Before starting his own company, Romek joined the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in 2006. Here he was a member of the Europeanisation of Industrial Relations-unit and coordinator of infographics. He left the ETUI in 2022.

“After 16 years of employment at the ETUI, I felt it was time for a change. I relocated back to my home country, Poland, and started my own consultancy practice. Building on my vast experience as well as expanding into new areas such as sustainability and AI. Partnering with a company such as Pemota enables us to offer our customers a wider range of services and a higher level of expertise, essential in the rapidly changing and complex field of European Work Councils.”

Partnering with Pemota
“Petra Molenaar and I have known each other for a long time, and have worked together on various projects, customers, and topics. We complement each other in various ways and have different personalities and perspectives. While Petra is pragmatic and has vast practical experience, I bring to the trainings my research and policy background as well as my experience. We work well together, and our joint trainings have great dynamics, where fun and energy are just as important as working with the right content. In addition, we can jointly address both the perspectives, requirements and expectations from the so-called ‘new member states’ in Central Europe, as well as the Western European perspectives (old member states).”

“Petra and I share a joint vision of how EWCs are best empowered to play their important role in the present-day work environment. A work environment where EWCs are more and more involved in challenges regarding sustainability, digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).”

“AI is already having a huge impact on the work environment, e.g. in areas such as health and safety and corporate restructuring, but unfortunately a solid European AI-policy is missing. This makes EWCs increasingly apprehensive and concerned. Dealing with these issues coherently and constructively is a big challenge. As trainers, we are doing our utmost to stay on top of these developments and prepare our clients to face them competently.”

“I strongly believe that our joint international trade union experiences as well as our training skills, make us an excellent partner for any EWC. I’m proud to now officially join this very experienced and highly motivated team as a partner and look forward to our common trainings.”

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